Here is a stonesetting tip from @thenomadicpine - “You may have seen the floss trick before to test the fit of a stone in a bezel. But I found the single piece of floss wasn’t durable enough and would sometimes break with my stone still inside my bezel, yikes 😬
So I fold a piece of floss in half! This works for better durability and the loop it creates gives great leverage when pulling your stone out.
Detailed instructions:
Cut your floss about 8-10 inches (less if it’s a smaller stone). Fold floss in half so there is a loop on one side. Twist floss so it’s more tightly wound in the middle. Place underneath where stone will sit. Check fit.
When you’re ready to remove your stone twist the side with the loose ends of the floss around a finger. Then put your index finger through the loop and pull.
I’ve used this method for dozens of stones and have never had an issue with it!
‼️ Make sure you have a good grip on both sides of the floss when pulling the stone out. If you don’t, the floss will slide underneath the stone on one side and leave you with a stuck stone.
⚠️ Be careful not to pull too aggressively and make sure you have a finger blocking the stone so it doesn’t fly out when you pull.
♻️ Depending on the floss you use you may be able to reuse the same piece multiple times before it weakens.”
Thank you so much for sending this tip to be shared! We appreciate you so much! #stonsetting #dentalfloss #settingbezels #bezelsettingtips