Using my @sunstoneweldjewelry pulse arc welder to add 14k yellow gold links to my silver roll chain. I love having my pulse arc welder for this type of thing, I’m not going to melt those tiny (expensive) gold jump rings. I won’t melt the chain, oxidize it (with heat) or change the temper (making it dead soft). It’s a way I can make a chain more custom without spending too much time. For these rings I used a power setting of 3.0Ws. I oxidize the chain (with ventilation) with Jax Silver Blackener, neutralized in baking soda and water. Shined up my gold rings and I’m done. This chain won’t stay super black forever as it will rub against the skin so you always want to manage those expectations with customers. If you want to learn how to use a pulse arc or laser welder check out Sunstone”s MicroWeld23 being held this October 20-22 in PARK CITY UTAH links to register in my profile!! Thank you @sunstoneweldjewelry for sponsoring this video and Metalsmith Society. We appreciate you! #microweld23 #learntolaserweld #pulsearcwelder #jewelrymakingtips