Whenever I make a mistake in my studio I try to create a video so others can learn from it, thankfully for all of you I make frequent mistakes 😝 I’ve been practicing creating and setting eternity bands @corkieboltonjewelry and I occasionally break a small drill bit off in my work so I wanted to show how I remove it. I take a small amount of pickle in its own container, just enough to cover the ring and I let it sit overnight. You can also use alum powder. The pickle/alum eats away at the steel enough to get it unstuck. You then want to neutralize this pickle and place it in your container to evaporate or add it to cat liter. That pickle is contaminated with steel now that you used it to remove the steel and the presence of steel in pickle causes copper flashing. Hope this is helpful but hope you never break a drill bit!! #brokendrillbit #makingjewelry #drillingsilver