Read the caption so you don’t get burned!! This wax ring sizing tip was sent to me via photos by @thelittletansy so I tested it out for myself :) and I’ve also seen it used by @kathrynreidjewellery The technique works well, especially if you are going to size a few rings at a time. The mandrel maintains it’s heat for quite awhile. That being said use this tip cautiously. Always set up your mandrel in a vise securely, ensuring nothing can knock it over while it’s burning hot. Don’t touch the mandrel, only touch your wax. This works the best when you haven’t started carving your wax and the ring itself is plenty thick. If you carve a delicate ring and put it on a hot mandrel it might snap. The result is pretty smooth on the inside off the ring but I still like to ere on the side of making the ring a bit too small so that I have some wiggle room after it is cast to sand and polish. When I say “a bit” I mean 1/4 of a size. Hope this was helpful, let me know if you have ever tried this technique and I hope everyone has a safe and productive day at the bench! If you have a wax carving tip to share with us please email it to me at #waxcarvingtip #lostwaxcastings #jewelerstools #jewelrymandrel #mandrel #ringsizingmandrel