Here are some tips for fusing silver dust from @thenomadicpine - “✨ How to fuse silver dust ✨
Step 1: Flux + heat piece- I recommend placing on a honeycomb block to avoid heat sinking
Step 2: Sprinkle silver dust in thin layer
Step 3-5: Heat, heat, heat some more.. you need more heat than you think you will 😉
Step 6: Work in layers of silver dust. Fuse the first layer and then slowly add more silver dust layers. You’ll want to do three + layers for a thick looking texture.
Once it looks like the silver dust is shimmering/ dancing you are ready to quench and pickle.
You may be scared to overheat your piece at first and that’s okay. You’ll know if you’ve under heated because the silver dust will rub off after pickling. You are essentially melting the silver dust onto the silver so it needs to be hot enough to do so.
Overheating can also happen. You’ll know this has happened when your texture becomes more smooth and looks like waves. This is called reticulation and also produces a neat texture.
Happy smithing!“ it’s always so generous when someone shares a technique with us! Thank you! I also love your use of the ceramic board with pins to elevate your work! #fusingsilverdist #jewelrymaking #jewelrymakingprocess #texturedsilver #silversmithing