Love this video from @electajewelry showing a technique for bezel setting - “Stone setting can come in many forms. One of my go to methods includes Thermolock, a ball vise, and a brass bezel rocker. The Thermolock starts off as a solid substance but with some heat added it becomes malleable and is easily positioned to hold your setting. When it cools, it securely holds it in place. The ball vise allows for easy positioning while setting your stone. Being able to rotate the piece around while setting the bezel is a life saver. With the bezel rocker being brass, it is softer than the other stainless steel options out there. The brass closes bezels easily and is less likely to slip or mar the metal while setting your stone. A perfect trifecta.” Thank you Kellie! Really appreciate you letting me share this. I love my ball vise and also regularly use thermoloc to secure pieces 🙌 #stonesetting #bezelsetting #tipsforstonesetting #jeweler #jewelrymakingprocess