Love this workholding idea from @jennwellsstudio - “I’m working up to a GRS block, so until then.. I’m working with what I’ve got. My anvil is set into a base I can easily move around and that is at a height perfect for sitting. When forming the Thermo-Loc into the shape I need, I’ll add 2 or 3 sections of a stick all stuck together to the bottom of the Thermo-Loc form.
I use my jewelers saw and cut the Thermo-Loc stick into small sections, gooey them together and then stick them onto the underside of the main form of Thermo-Loc I want to hold my pieces in.
I’ll then fit my little underside handle of Thermo-loc into the hardy hole of my anvil. I want this to be a snug fit, so I’ll heat the Thermo-Loc, push it into the hardy hole and repeat until I get a snug fit that allows the main form of Thermo-Loc to rest flat and securely on the face of the anvil. Once I have the fit secured, I will heat the top face of the Thermo-Loc and set whatever pieces I’m working on into it. Let cool and tap-a tap-a tap-a... set your stones.” Thank you Jenn for taking the time to share this with us! We appreciate it! #thermoloc #workholding #settingstones #bezelsetting #jewelersstudio