Bench pins are meant to be modified, love this tip from @mklahn - “Another bench pin tip: sometimes you don’t want to hold a piece in pliers or a clamp because it won’t give you good access to where you’re filing. In that case sometimes all you need is some support at the front of the piece, and to hold the piece from below with your fingers to allow the file to bite into the edge you’re filing. So, I take a hart bur and make a small depression into the filing surface of my bench pin to fit the piece into, holding and supporting the front of the work I’m filing on to prevent it from moving with the file, and I use my fingers to support the work piece from below while I file.“ thank you for sharing with us! We want to see your bench pin modifications! Please create a quick video showing yours and email it over at #benchpinmodifications #jewelersbench #jewelersbenchpin #filingtip